Monday, August 07, 2006


As for the appeal of Judaism, I think a big part of it is that there is a degree of authenticity to what Jews do and how Jews live. They don't go out violently conquering and converting people. They don't make outrageously false claims at persecution like many Christians do (think Bill O'Reilly). Jews actually have been slaughtered and persecuted by the millions. And yet they still go on. And I think there's something very compelling about that. Plus there is the sense of community. Christianity is a very outward-looking religion, focused on making disciples of everyone else. Modern Christianity does not seem to bear much interest in the well-being of its followers once they've been 'saved.' They just move on to the next heathens and go at them. Judaism is primarily concerned with its own followers. Not to mention, Judaism is viewed as the parent of the religions that dominate the world today, which lends it an air of precedence.

Another appeal of Judaism that it shares with the 'New Age' religions is that it comes in so many different incarnations. You can believe almost anything and still refer to yourself as a Jew. From Kabbalists to secular Gnostics to Orthodox Jews, there is a flavor for nearly everyone.


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