Monday, March 20, 2006

Slam Your Fist On The Table And Make Your Demand

Yesterday was awesome. For real, it was the best day of my life. In heebs we didn't do anything, and then we headed over to Shampoo for the Idan Raichel concert. And it was amazing. There was a falafel bar and lots of Israeli candy and awesome hott Israeli Jew-boys!!! Ahh. And the concert was amazing. And then we went over to the Electric Factory. We got there at 7:00 (left Shampoo early) and the line was already really long to get in. And then lots of people showed up and we let them get in line with us, so it was one big USY party. And then we got in and saw more people (like Zev!) and it was fun. And then the opening band came on. And they were Israeli and New-Yorkian and they were SO cool. They blew the shofar! What the hell? And they got boring and played for way too long and then Matisyahu took forever to get on stage but he did after lots of false alarms and AHHH! Jeremy, Dina and I stood near these really crazy smoking people and there were these 2 girls making out and it was awesome and then we went over to Staci and company and had another partyy. And I held so many people's stuff and it was INSANE!! But AHHHHH MATISYAHU! And then Dina and people left before I was picked up cuz they suck so I was left waiting by myself. So I eventually got home and didn't go to bed until 12:45. And I still smell like an ashtray. And I'm hungry and tired and wanna go to bed right now but I have so much homework. Ahhh.


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